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Returning to the Rez

When Ayashe heard about the fires burning in Shumard Oaks, the reservation she had just left in good care, she told her family and left immediately. Michael went with her. When the two arrived they would find the new school and community center burned to a crisp. With nowhere to go to learn and fear in the hearts of the parents, the children were kept home while the community came together to figure out what to do.

As soon as they got to the rez, Ayashe would lead Mike to the tribal council building where a meeting was taking place. Chief Kickinghorse was seated at the head of the table while Anthony Greyowl was on his feet, pacing as he spoke up. Also seated at the table were his father, Wendy and her son David who had housed Mike and Ayashe in the past, and six other members of the council.

"We've let this drag out too long. The American government doesn't give a shit about us, if we want this to stop we have to take matters into our own hands," Anthony said. He was tall, dark and brooding with a much darker demeanor than his usual happy go-lucky, smooth talking ways. When the door opened and Ayashe stepped in he stopped in his tracks, dark eyes settling on her with an intensity that hadn't been there in the past... only to be interrupted by Mike stepping in after her. He looked at the white guy, her chosen companion, and continued to speak to the gathering. "We're stronger than they are and they know it. That's why they attack at night. That's why they use their white lawyers to try and sneak through their loopholes like the disgusting snakes that they are." He finally looked back to the chief who was silently studying them all, "Let me gather a few of our strongest men. That's all I need. We'll put an end to this back and forth and we'll finally be able to focus on what's important. Providing a safe environment for the future of this nation."

By the silence of the others in the room it was apparent that many were starting to agree with Anthony's words. David, the youngest son of Wendy, one of the most respected elders, was usually calming Anthony down and opposing him, but even he was nodding in agreement. After a moment, they all looked to Chief Kickinghorse for a response. Wendy motioned for Ayashe and Mike to come and sit.

The chief leaned back in his chair and folded his hands in his lap, lips pressed together as he considered. After a painfully awkward silence, he spoke. "Not yet. Anthony, I understand your anger but we can't act out quickly." If steam whistles could blow out of Anthony's ears, they would have. He glared at the chief. "We need to try and do things their way first. Beat them on their own turf. With their lawyers. What they did is not only wrong but it's illega--"

"Old man!" Anthony growled, a fire in his eyes, "Has history taught you nothing?!"

Wendy raised her hand in front of Anthony who immediately went quiet.

The chief continued, "'s illegal." He paused and looked at Anthony quietly before nodding again. "Your anger is justified. Take that passion and pour it into something productive. We need to act with our brains before we react with our fists.."

At that, Anthony huffed and stalked out of the meeting. Ayashe placed her hand over Mike's and glanced at him before David leaned toward them and muttered, "Welcome back..."

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