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Compound Kids Pt 1

Finding Will wasn't easy, but luckily enough Will was looking for Ayashe.

The fourteen year old Telepath had already been working on organizing against The Band. He was on his way to becoming a regular bad ass and Ayashe admired him for it, especially because he was so young (and ACTUALLY fourteen.. not just.. looking.. like he's fourteen).

Once he established a telepathic connection with her, she showed him the way to her and Jagger's house in RhyDin. Over the weekend Will arrived with seven other kids from the compound with a mixture of abilities. Most of them were mental power kids--telepaths, telekinetics, psychic, etc---and that was quite alright with Ayashe. Mental powers were very useful especially with what they needed to do.

Ayashe, Jag, and the eight "Compound Kids", as Isa called them, spent a good amount of time over the next few days plotting how they were going to handle The Band once they were able to determine the next meeting time and location. Ayashe still had Phillip's phone, though she and Jag had disposed of him days before. The re-router they had acquired made it possible for the cell phone to remain active and report that Phillip was on the move instead of one static location.

After Catch expressed she was not interested in assisting them, Ayashe decided it was best they keep the number of participants to a minimum and only give out information on a need-to-know basis.

So far the plan is to scope out the next meeting. If possible, they will begin tracking Rolland to see who he is reporting to and where he is hiding before planning their next move..

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